The Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere falls on Saturday, March 20 this year, marking the time when the sun passes over the celestial equator. Pagans observe the day as Ostara, a festival that celebrates the season’s change from dark winter to brightening spring.
Presented by the Northern California Black Hat Society® along with our National Cauldron™ Affiliates and Friends; Zachariah the Witch – Los Angeles Black Hat Society, Margie Mack, the Happy Medium, the Southeastern PA BHS, Russian River BHS, Inland Empire BHS, and the Central Valley BHS.
We welcome you to join us Saturday, March 20th at 5pm(pst) - LIVE on Zoom - as we welcome the 2021 Spring Equinox and Ostara. Admission is FREE but a ticket is required (see below).
The Northern California Black Hat Society will be doing a short history of Ostara, including celebrations and rituals you can do at home for the Spring Equinox.
Zachariah the Witch from the Los Angeles Black Hat Society will share his wisdom and insights with us and suggestions for what we can do as a community to welcome the warmer days and embrace the renewal and rebirth of Spring!
The Russian River BHS will be sharing their traditions as well as the history of the Rose of Jericho.
Margie Mack, the Happy Medium, will do an Ostara Tarot spread for us and share her insights for the months ahead. Her Crone wisdom is invaluable, and we welcome her insights!
Please RSVP to our link on Facebook for more information and a complete list of presenters.
Tickets to our event are FREE and seating is limited. Please RSVP, share and invite your friends. Tickets must be secured in order to reserve your spot. To those that register, an email will be went out the day of the event with the Zoom link and password to attend.
Tickets may be reserved through Eventbrite at:
Zoom etiquette – Please join us with audio & video and remain muted during the event. If you reserve a ticket and then are unable to attend, please relinquish your ticket by emailing the organizers at OR canceling your ticket through Eventbrite. Thank you.